
Latest Obsession: Printed Pants

I wear black more or less every day. It's not intentional. It just so happens that when I'm shopping, I'm attracted to structural, black clothing. Prints (or any color, really) aren't typically appealing to me. 

But this past weekend, I did something so crazy, so different, so unusual, that it has caused me question my own identity, sanity, and fashion sense. Even my best friend called me today to say "I don't know who you are anymore." The truth is, I don't know what's gotten into me either. I don't know why I did it. But all I know is that I'm happy, and I feel like a million bucks. Here's how it all went down...

"I must be going crazy." I thought as I picked them up. "These are totally not for me. These are for brave, adventurous girls." So I put them back down. "Still..." I thought. "They're pretty freaking fabulous." And the next thing I knew, they were in my shopping bag on the way to the dressing room. And then, they were in my hand on the way to check out.

"These are so not you." Said my dad as we were checking out at the counter. "What's gotten into you?" "I don't know.... but I love them." And then, Cha-ching. It was done. I BOUGHT PRINTED PANTS.

Ever since I realized the beauty of printed pants, I haven't been able to stop wearing them. They're unlike anything in my subdued, minimal closer, but they match nearly everything because they have so many colors in their print. They look amazing with heels, boots, or sneakers, and they make any shirt you're wearing pop. I've been getting compliments on them like crazy. 
See kids, sometimes, taking fashion risks really pay off. 

Now that I have 2 pairs of these babies, I'm going to need more. and more. and more. 

Wild Pair to the rescue! They're having huge sales right now, and it's the perfect time to snag your own pair of perfect printed pants. Here are my top picks their website: 

Compensation for this post was provided by Wild Pair. Opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment :

Chantel Petty // said...

I too am loving printed pants right now! Just came upon your blog, I am so happy to see other LDS girls with a love of fashion like me. You are so cute and I love the blog. You should visit mine and maybe we can collaborate sometime. I also do blog designs!
xoxo Chantel