
Iconemesis Giveaway Winner + Updates

Eli Saab never fails to make me smile.
Sorry for the lack of posting last week! It was a hectic week- I was in a production of The Secret Garden (I have the wonderful role of Mrs. Winthrop, which is an absolute joy). The cast is the most talented cast I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I have loved being part of this production!
Also, we have a winner for the iconemesis giveaway! Congrats Dorothy! We'll be in touch. Thank you to all who entered and to iconemesis for sponsoring.  It was a really successful giveaway!


honeybeeandmeonline.net said...

Ok, this is the dress I want.....


Sarah Justine said...

Same, who doesn't! ;) I love a good dress from Elie!

Thanks for commenting!